Hi all!...

For the english speaking friends of our aircooled forum

Moderatoren: Jörg, Ansprechpartner des Vereins

Mikkel (DK)

Hi all!...

Beitrag von Mikkel (DK) »

Hi there!...

Looking hard to find the right Pre 69 - Variant, made me visit your forum.
Perhaps I´ll find it here?

My German is getting a bit rusty, but i´m improving due to reading threads in here!.

Luftkraft and best regards
Mikkel - Denmark

Ansprechpartner Österreich
Beiträge: 4198
Registriert: Samstag 27. März 2004, 20:01

Beitrag von vweugen »

Hi Mikkel :D
welcome here look at Termine maybe you can come to our next
meeting from 7.6.to10.6.2007 in Salzburg
aircooled greetings from salzburg
Eugen :D
Variant S EZ 6/64 Seeblau 70000km aus Erstbesitz aber noch viel Arbeit
Stufe 9/66 Granadarot A-Modell mit M210
Stufe 5/66 VWblau A-Modell mit M210
Variant 9/66 Deltagrün
TL 6/66 Perlweis
Variant 6/69 Königsrot A-Modell
Variant LE 5/70 Königsrot
TLE 4/71 Tiefseegrün Exportmodel
Ansprechpartner Region Norddeutschland
Beiträge: 6206
Registriert: Samstag 12. April 2003, 11:54

Beitrag von kleinteile »

Hey Mikkel !

Nice to hear from a Type 3 - Fan in Denmark - so near by .
We came from Schleswig - Holstein , and next weekend we will go to Denmark for a long Weekend ( Sat - Tuesd.) with our Type 3 and our Caravans to have a nice time at a campingground in Gammelbro near the Island of Aero . You are welcome to meet us there !!!
Come over for a BBQ and some beer ..... Lets talk VW !

We are : 1969 Notch
1969 Fastb.
1967 Squareb.
1970 Fastb.
Maybe some more .

Und falls noch jemand Lust dazu hat : Info`s bei mir !
Jürgen ( Kleinteile )
1600 L '69 rotweiß
1500 S Karmann Ghia '65 blauweiß O o \ / o O
1600 L Automatik'68 grün
1600 L Variant '66
TVR 3000M Taimar `79
BMW 318i `86
Porsche 924 S 3/87
Suleica F 430 von`67
Yamaha 500 SR `78
Puch M 50 Racing`74
Westfalia 800kg `80
Opel Astra CaraVan 1.6 EZ 11/95
Mikkel (DK)

Beitrag von Mikkel (DK) »

What a welcome...

Can´t get much better than invitations for both Meet and type3-BBQ..
thanx alot..

Unfortunally there´s quite a ride from Hillerød where i live..
And I´m going to a Swapmeet sunday... Sorry dude!

But it sure could be cool to hang out with some new 311-fanatics!
Grab some pix.. I would love to see your rides cruising

Here´s a pic from the FASTBACK FEW crew I´ve just left for a Variant..

Ansprechpartner Region Norddeutschland
Beiträge: 6206
Registriert: Samstag 12. April 2003, 11:54

Beitrag von kleinteile »

Hi Mikkel !

It`s a pity that you haven`t enough time to meet us . We stay there from Saturday to Tuesday .
Where is your hometown ?
The best way to get some pictures from our cars is to send me a mail :


So I can show you our cars ...!!
Maybe we see us in Herning in November . I`m visiting the swapmeet for nearly 20 years .
Sometimes I`m there with my 73 Variant .
Hope to hear from you . Think we should have more contact over the border !!
All the years I`m looking for Type 3 - fans over there .
Mostly friends of the bobble or bus or Karmann Ghia .

1600 L '69 rotweiß
1500 S Karmann Ghia '65 blauweiß O o \ / o O
1600 L Automatik'68 grün
1600 L Variant '66
TVR 3000M Taimar `79
BMW 318i `86
Porsche 924 S 3/87
Suleica F 430 von`67
Yamaha 500 SR `78
Puch M 50 Racing`74
Westfalia 800kg `80
Opel Astra CaraVan 1.6 EZ 11/95
Mikkel (DK)

Beitrag von Mikkel (DK) »

Yeah I know...
It would have been cool..

Shooting off a mail in a sec...

And i totally agree.. we should chit chat more across the seas..
My entry on Bugnet was just as positive as in here..

I live in Hillerød:
http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a59/t3 ... /type3.gif

Hopefully this car will end up being mine in the end of the week..
Actually it´s german... Maybe U guys know it..

http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a59/t3 ... C01139.jpg

It has a history in Spain and was picked up in Italy by a german guy..
He modified it with disc brakes, large engine and so on..
Let me know if somebody know about it..