Hello from Romania!

For the english speaking friends of our aircooled forum

Moderatoren: Jörg, Ansprechpartner des Vereins


Hello from Romania!

Beitrag von Bogdan »

Hi everyone!

My name is Bogdan ( from Bucharest Romania ) and I have two typ 3 Variant ( 1969 and 1972 ). I was at the 2008 meeting in Wolfsburg with my car from 1969 ( model 1970 ). Hear can see some foto with my car at Wolfsburg 2008 ( http://typ3forever.blogspot.com/2010/02 ... -ep-1.html ).
I have a technical problem and if someone can help me with some information thank in advance.
I have a distributors ( Bosch 311 905 205 T ) and I have no information about him. For what kind of engine is? What advance curbe have? I can use it on my engine ( 1600 cc dual carb from 1972 )?
Thanks for any response!
Ansprechpartner Region Rhein- Main- Neckar
Beiträge: 1994
Registriert: Montag 31. März 2003, 14:54

Re: Hello from Romania!

Beitrag von Jörg »

Hello from Germany,

I do not have my repair books here, but maybe that helps:


Regards Jörg

Re: Hello from Romania!

Beitrag von Bogdan »

I know this site but does not appear Bosch 311 905 205 T :( . It is distributor with retrad vacuum but I don't want to use this option ( I want to use just advance vaccum and centrifugal ).

Re: Hello from Romania!

Beitrag von Bogdan »

With my Variant in South Spain ( Spania ) 2009.
http://typ3forever.blogspot.com/2009/09 ... la_19.html

My Variant is the best car in the world! :) .

http://typ3forever.blogspot.com/2009/09 ... la_14.html

In the Pirinei's mountains ...

http://typ3forever.blogspot.com/2009/09 ... la_06.html

Re: Hello from Romania!

Beitrag von Bogdan »

I found the information that I needed a forum in Romania. If there anyone interested in this problem ( advance curbe, distributors, etc ) can also be found here ( http://vwforum.vwforum.ro/topic/72955-c ... try1427554 ).

Re: Hello from Romania!

Beitrag von Bogdan »

My fotos from Wolfsburg Jahrestreffen 2011:
http://typ3forever.blogspot.com/2011/07 ... iunie.html
Gerd Grebbin
Beiträge: 968
Registriert: Montag 23. Oktober 2006, 07:58

Re: Hello from Romania!

Beitrag von Gerd Grebbin »

Hi Bogdan,
nice pics! Thank you. I was glad to discover my Type 34 on 3 Photos which I downloaded for my album.
Congratulation on your award for longest approach!
Best wishes for you and your two Variants
Typ 34 Modelljahr 1967

Re: Hello from Romania!

Beitrag von Bogdan »

Thanks for the good wishes! Very nice your typ34 ( i think it is silver car, right? ).

Best regards,